The Living Schools Lab project which had its kickoff meeting in October 2012, is helping innovative schools and teachers to showcase and demonstrate best practice on using ICT in teaching and learning. The project team has selected the Planet eStream solution to support the network to share these best practices. Currently we are looking into and planning different ways in which this can happen: storing and cataloging LSL school videos; creating video chapters of selected themes; testing live streaming from the Future Classroom Lab and involving remote audience in training events; broadcasting messages to the network schools (Digital Signage); and possibly streaming live from the network schools to animate their regional "hubs".
The Living Schools Lab is a two-year project being coordinated by European Schoolnet and involves 12 Ministries of Education in Europe. The project brings together highly innovative schools (“Advanced Schools”) that have already successfully embraced technology in their teaching and learning across the whole school. They will work as the core to build a series of regional hubs and rest of the network. The eStream technology was demonstrated and presented to the Advanced Schools during a workshop held in Brussels in January.